category:Electronic Component / date:2022-10-11 00:50:54 / browse:397 / comment:5

● features: the grouting pipe is divided into secondary grouting pipe (ccll-y grouting pipe, qdm-it grouting pipe ccll-y full section grouting pipe) and repetitive grouting pipe (ccll-d grouting pipe, ccll-d full section grouting pipe)● specification: inner diameter of secondary grouting pipe: mm; Outer diameter: mm; Inner diameter tolerance: & plusmn; .mm; Length of each roll: m.

RodasSteel pipeThe cost inversion is obviously bleak

After the grouting hole is drilled, install and lower the grouting pipe, grout stop plug, mixer and other facilities in the hole.After the grouting hole is drilled, install and lower the grouting pipe, grout stop plug,RodasGrouting pipe, mixer and other facilities in the hole.RodasSteel pipeThe cost inversion is obviously bleak,RodasPrecision tube,RodasSteel pipe,2022-10-1100:50:54Process flow: drill in place → Drilling → Mud injection → Run casing → Continue drilling → Slag removal → Hole cleaning → Hoist the reinforcement cage → Water jetting and bottom cleaning → Concrete conduit → Placing concrete → Catheter & rarr; The pile top reinforcement can be divided into single liquid silicification method double liquid silicification method, aerated silicification method and electric double liquid silicification method.● specification: inner diameter of secondary grouting pipe: mm; Outer diameter: mm; Inner diameter tolerance: & plusmn; .mm; Length of each roll: m.

RodasSteel pipeThe cost inversion is obviously bleak

● features: the grouting pipe is divided into secondary grouting pipe (ccll-y grouting pipe, qdm-it grouting pipe, ccll-y full section grouting pipe) and repetitive grouting pipe (ccll-d grouting pipe, ccll-d full section grouting pipe)Compared with sleeve valve pipe grouting method, the common disadvantages of grouting pipe grouting method, good flexibility, fast construction speed, and is more suitable for situations requiring rapid response.Rodas,Goundi

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user 416HP186602172 / 2022-10-11 09:20:37 / reply
I finally received what I needed RodasSteel pipe, the stuff is very good, the price is good and the price is cheap, thank you boss! To be honest, this is my most satisfying shopping experience. Whether it is the attitude of the store or the items, I am very satisfied. The attitude of the store is very professional and enthusiastic, answering all questions, and the response is very fast. I asked a lot of questions, and he did not feel annoying, and he would answer me seriously. For this, I would like to express my sincere respect to you. There are not many good stores like this. .
user 632HP195506591 / 2022-10-11 09:03:55 / reply
RodasSteel pipe Very satisfied, good quality.
user 984HP143755493 / 2022-10-11 08:12:07 / reply
RodasSteel pipe The price is very high, and the quality is very good if you can buy it at such a price.
user 409HP184720764 / 2022-10-11 09:34:28 / reply
Let me evaluate this RodasSteel pipe, the price is good, the quality is good, the delivery is good, and the boss is good.
user 256HP158312377 / 2022-10-11 09:16:55 / reply
I just received it in the morning and my friends like it very much. I will buy it from you next time RodasSteel pipe.

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